Sign-up with your basic contact and trademark information
Our trademark experts will plan, organize and compile your case
Our team searches for trademarks similar to yours on our database
A trademark search is as vital as getting a trademark. It ensures that other parties have not already filed identical marks. We will let you know if any other company uses a name, logo, or slogan that is similar to yours so you can make the necessary modifications to make your intellectual property distinctive.
Approved by Our Search as Unique
searches in the U.S and Outside of it
Consulted for Trademark Conflicts & Resolution
With our trademark search, you will get confirmation that whether or not your mark is already being used by anyone else. The jurisdiction of our searches varies with the search packages. The three types of searches we offer are federal & search, state & common law search, and global search
This service searches for logos, names, or tagline in our database which are similar to yours. This type of search covers all 50 states of the United States.
We conduct a corporate name search on all company and corporate entity names. Corporate directories search and identify people who are listed under names that are similar to yours.
All of the trademarks that are registered and pending across numerous international jurisdictions are included in this search. Domain names under the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are covered in this search.